Are you looking for a scientific way to engage your students in math instruction? Do you want to help them have a deeper understanding of math concepts? Use math manipulatives for elementary students!

Math manipulatives are concrete objects that can be played with and manipulated. This gives children a better understanding of a math concept. They are a powerful learning tool that can help students develop a deeper understanding of math.
How do Math Manipulatives Help Students
Constructivism is a learning theory introduced to the world by a man named Jean Piaget. The main premise of constructivist learning is that students are actively engaged in the learning process instead of passively absorbing information.
Instead of telling students that 2+2=4 and expecting them to memorize this fact right away, students use manipulatives, such as math cubes or other counters to build out this equation, thus actively creating a deeper understanding of addition.
To learn more about teaching with math manipulatives using the C.R.A. (concrete, representative, abstract) method, click here.
There are a lot of things that can be considered math manipulatives for elementary students. Many can be purchased. But, if you are on a tight budget, you might find that you already have, or can make, what you need.
Below you will find lists of math manipulatives you might already have and ones you can buy.
Math Manipulatives You Can Find, Make, or Might Already Have

- Rocks or Pebbles
- Twigs or Sticks
- Five and Ten Frames
- Popsicle Sticks
- Beans or Small Candy
- Coins/Play Money
- Ruler/Tape Measure
- Hundreds Charts
- Buttons
- Number Lines
- Cotton Balls
- Beads
- Dice/Playing Cards/Dominoes
- Dough
- Measuring Spoons or Cups
- Pipe Cleaners
Math Manipulatives You Can Buy

- Pattern Blocks
- Base Ten Blocks
- Tangrams
- Magnets/Magnetic Boards
- Unifix/linking cubes
- Balances/Scales
- Bear Counters
- Spinners
- Fraction Tiles
- Geoboards & Rubber Bands
- Mini Clocks
- Dry Erase Boards
- Cuisenaire Rods
- Abacus
- Linking Chains
- Number Tiles
- Small Erasers
Whether you use math manipulatives for elementary students that you already have or manipulatives you purchase, they are an important and engaging learning tool for your students!
Here are some resources for math manipulatives for primary students:

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